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Dance school in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2020-12-16Updated:2020-12-16
Similar words: correspondence schoolpreschoolpre-schoolhome-schoolfree schoolgrade schooltrade schoolpreschoolerMeaning: n. a school where students are taught to dance. 
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1 About ten years ago another dancing school opened on the other side of town.
2 Take her to a dance school.
3 Best wishes to Chen Xiao Dance school! ! !
4 Wuhan Sports and Dance School is the first sports and dance school in China, many championships such as Wei Wang, Yao Zhao once study here.
5 At age eleven, Flatley was sent to dance school for formal training.
6 From there she went to a dance school, where she won an award at the National Young Dancer competition, but left when she was 15.
7 Members of the Rambert dance school perform at St Paul's Cathedral in London, as part of a research project on spiritual expression through dance.
8 She GREece professional dance school dance, also won scholarships to the former Soviet Union countries Dance Academy in Leningrad.
9 Riyo Mori: To open my own dance school in Tokyo!
10 I learned in dance school different types of modern dances, jazz, flamenco.
11 China's professional dance school education in the modern sense started from the establishment of Beijing Dance School on September 6, 1954.
12 Cuban dance instructor Marisuri Garcia opened a dance school in Switzerland, where she lives part of the year.
13 The French national institute of music and dance school also here.
14 It also brought Victorian attitudes dictating that dancing lessons in dance schools were more acceptable than dancing at large public Assemblies.
15 As the training base for future professional dancers,[] middle professional dance school should lay emphasis on the training of music accomplishment as well as dancing skills to its student.
16 The woman, who had just picked up her two grandchildren from a nearby dance school and gone to a grocery store, was taken to a hospital Monday evening and was expected to be OK, firefighters said.
17 Kazuo Ono, 101, the co-founder of the avant-garde butoh dance school, still performs from time to time in a wheelchair.
18 No matter how old she will be, perhaps there is always a nook in her heart for the moment when she entered the dance school as a child.
19 No matter how old she becomes, perhaps there will always be a nook in her heart for the moment when she entered dance school as a child.
20 When I was small, everyday after normal school I went to dance school.
21 After the military, he became a dance teacher and executive in the dance school industry.
22 Since they got to know one another at a dance school, they formed the unit and have won first prize at several dance contests.
More similar words: correspondence schoolpreschoolpre-schoolhome-schoolfree schoolgrade schooltrade schoolpreschoolerleave schoolgo to the schoolmiddle schoolthe school yearprivate schoollanguage schoolgraduate schoolcomprehensive schoolschoolin schoolat schoolold schoolschool dayday schoolgo to schoolschool ageschool busart schoollaw schoolschoolingschooldaysschoolbag
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